Discover The Key Areas Where Wrinkles First Appear and How to Fight Them

Wrinkles are an integral part of aging, but that doesn't mean you need to stick with them being the overwhelming dominant feature. Knowing where wrinkles first start to appear on your face and how best to combat them effectively will keep you looking youthful and vibrant for so much longer. Below, we shall discuss the main areas where wrinkles first appear and give realistic solutions using the best eye cream and vitamin E oil to help you in your quest to fight these early signs of aging.

1. Forehead: Your First Line of Defense

One of the oldest and most noticeable places wrinkles come out is on your forehead. These are horizontal lines, generally called "worry lines," that can start making an appearance in your late 20s or even early 30s as a result of repeated facial expressions like frowning raising your eyebrows or even squinting.

Minimising Forehead Wrinkles:

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: Hydrate your skin well. Apply a moisturiser to lock moisture in your skin, and preferably, a moisturiser that has hyaluronic acid to keep the skin plump.

Throw in Retinoids: Introduce retinoids into your routine, given that retinoids are believed to boost collagen production to thicken thin skin and fill fine lines. But first, use it in small concentrations and allow your skin to get accustomed to it.

Sunscreen Use: UV radiation has the action of accelerating skin aging. Applying broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to the skin daily can halt further damage.

Forehead-Specific Serums: Serums containing peptides, and antioxidants can support skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

2. The Eyes: Window to Your Aging

The skin around the eyes is thinner and more delicate than on other areas of the face, which makes it extremely prone to wrinkles. Crow's feet—those fine lines that appear at the corners of the eyes—are often among the very first signs of aging and can be accelerated by various factors, such as exposure to the sun, lack of sleep, and even genetics.

how to reduce appearance of wrinkles

How to Fight Eye Wrinkles:

Use the Best Eye Cream: Look for eye creams that include peptides, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants like vitamin C. This base of ingredients acts to help hydrate, firm, and brighten under the eyes, which will make fine lines not as noticeable.

Gentle Application: When applying an eye cream, gently pat it around the eyes with your ring finger. This is the finger that applies the least amount of pressure, which will not result in tugging on delicate skin.

Add some vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil is known to have a nourishing effect on the skin. It is an antioxidant that helps in protecting the skin against oxidative stress responsible for premature aging. Apply a little vitamin E oil to the area around the eyes to retain the elasticity of the skin and reduce the formation of wrinkles.

Wear Sunglasses: A furrowed brow from bright light can lead to wrinkles at the corners of the eye. UV-protective sunglasses can reduce this action.

3. The Mouth Area: Smile Lines and More

Of all the many good features you have, your smile is the best; however, wrinkles that form from this happy movement around your mouth, called nasolabial folds, deepen with age. Fine lines can also build up on the upper lip, especially in smokers, from the constant puckering.

How to Fight Wrinkles Around the Mouth:

Moisturise: Keep the skin around your mouth well moisturised. Use a thicker cream or balm that's designed to be used there.

Retinoids: As on the forehead, the action of retinoids is in cell turnover; it powers up the production of collagen, so the skin in this area looks much smoother.

Collagen-Boosting Serums: Products containing collagen or that boost collagen formation, like peptides, work well specifically around this area.

Avoid Straw Use: As one keeps pursing lips for straw to drink, it could enhance the upper lip lines. Instead, just drink from a glass.

4. The Neck: Often Neglected, But Very Vulnerable

The skin in the neck area is thin and has extra activity, so it tends to form wrinkles and sag. If not treated earlier, the appearance of vertical necklines and mottled neckbands can be a sign of aging.

How to Fight Neck Wrinkles:

Extend Your Facial Skincare to Your Neck: Bring whatever products you're using on your face down to your neck. This means cleansers, serums, moisturisers, and sunscreen.

Consider Vitamin E Oil: There are antioxidant properties in vitamin E oil that help neck area skin by keeping it smooth, supple, and moist, thus fighting off free radicals responsible for skin aging.

Firming Creams: Search for creams specifically meant to firm neck skin. Ingredients like peptides, retinoids, and hyaluronic acid may also support tightening the skin and hiding wrinkles.

Good Posture Counts: Good posture helps avoid neck wrinkles, too. Keeping the head aligned with the spine and avoiding looking down at screens for long periods can also reduce stress on the skin of your neck.

5. The Hands: Give Away Your Age First

Hands are never covered - and signs of aging appear on them much earlier. That is because hands are constantly used and exposed to various environmental factors and the sun. Wrinkles in the hands, coupled with age spots, can start already in your 30s.

How to Combat Wrinkles in the Hands:

Moisturise Often: Use a hand cream frequently which includes shea butter, vitamin E, and glycerin to soften and keep your hands moisturised.

Sunscreen: Apply it daily to your hands just like you apply it to your face, to protect them from getting damaged by the sun.

Anti-aging Hand Creams: Go for a hand cream that contains retinoids, peptides, or other collagen-boosting ingredients that renew the skin.

Overnight Treatment: Apply a thick layer of hand cream or vitamin E oil and then wear cotton gloves to lock in moisture and improve skin texture.


Wrinkles are a part of aging, but they can be delayed with the right maneuvers to keep your skin young, glowing, and supple. Keep a smoother, younger look by focusing on the first places the wrinkles develop: the forehead, eyes, mouth, neck, and hands. Firm them with the best eye cream, along with vitamin E oil and other targeted skincare products for the best results. But always remember, consistency is the key to any routine. So, try to make these steps part of your regular daily schedule to see the best results.